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Teichenné Melon Liqueur 700ml

Teichenné, S.A. is a family business dedicated to the production of liqueurs and derivatives. Their range of products dates back to 1956, when oenologist Juan Teichenné Senaux left France for the Catalan region of Spain, set up a winery in the small town of L'Arboç and began handmaking liqueurs. The craze for Teichenné spread around Spain and by 1989 the brand was the market leader.

The Dubliner Irish Whiskey Liqueur 700ml

A tribute to the historic city which bears its name, The Dubliner is a blend of honeycomb, caramel and whiskey flavours to produce an enticing liqueur that is truly unique.

Tia Maria Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur 700ml

Tia Maria is a sweet liqueur with a strong coffee character and a complex aromatic structure. By using cold brew extraction, they always ensure that their coffee liqueur has a distinct taste thanks to three significant elements: coffee 100% arabica provides the distinctive roasted, full-bodied rich taste, vanilla responsible for the soft and velvety back notes and Jamaican Rum that gives Tia Maria its body, depth and structure.
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