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Tohu Nelson Chardonnay 750ml

This Nelson Chardonnay displays vibrant aromas of bright citrus zest, ripe stonefruit and subtle hints of warm, spicy French oak. On the palate flavours of white peach, ginger, juicy grapefruit and notes of toasted nut take this medium bodied and elegantly textured wine to a lusciously long and persistent finish.

Tohu Nelson Rosé 750ml

A delicate rose-gold hue in the glass, this luminous Nelson Rosé displays bright aromas of red pear and crushed cranberry. The vibrant palate of pink plum and ripe citrus is underpinned with notes of fresh fig and a subtle hint of crab-apple. With just a touch of balancing sweetness this delightfully vibrant and fresh Rosé has a wonderfully long, luscious and persistent finish.

Tohu Rewa Rosé Méthode Traditionnelle 750ml

A delicate soft salmon pink in the glass, this complex yet elegant Méthode Traditionnelle Rosé displays fresh strawberry, hints of ripe stonefruit and underlying notes of brioche and toasted hazelnut. The fine persistent bead and creamy mousse lead to a rich and weighty palate balanced with focused acidity and biscuity complexity derived from yeast autolysis. Elegant integration of primary fruit flavours derived from Pinot Noir grapes lead this generous and rounded wine to a smooth, lively and lingering finish.

Tohu Whenua Awa Single Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ml

Complex and elegantly structured. Displaying brooding dark fruit aromas with notes of forest floor and harmonious spicy, smoky oak this richly textured Pinot Noir is sourced solely from Tohu's Awatere Valley vineyard. A complex and elegantly structured wine.

Tohu Whenua Matua Single Vineyard Chardonnay 750ml

Ripe juicy stonefruit and bright citrus peel characteristics meet in a richly textured Nelson Chardonnay. Hazelnut, flint and spicy French oak. Layers of citrus peel and juicy stonefruit flavours. Subtle hints of hazelnut, flint and spicy oak. Full bodied and richly textured with a creamy mouthfeel, A delightful long and lingering finish.

Torea Pinot Noir 750ml

This wine is a classic fruit forward style of Martinborough Pinot Noir. It has bright berry fruit flavours backed with spice and savoury characters underpinned with a fine texture, soft tannins and subtle oak. Vegan friendly.

Trinity Hill Hawke's Bay Syrah 750ml

The blackberry, spice and liquorice nuances combine to produce a fruit dominant but complex wine. A small inclusion of the white variety Viognier gives the wine beautiful perfume and allows the wine more accessibility while young. This wine is of the lighter style.

Veuve Clicquot Brut Champagne 750ml

Founded in 1772, Veuve Clicquot has since lived by it's motto, 'Only one quality, the finest.' Yellow Label is it's signature champagne, defining the Veuve Clicquot style through a perfect balance of strength, aromatic intensity, freshness and silkiness. The predominance of Pinot Noir provides the structure while the addition of 30 to 45% of priceless Reserve Wines will ensure the year on year consistency that is so typically Clicquot. On the nose: yellow and white fruits, then notes of vanilla and later of brioche. On the palate: freshness and strength while pear and lemon tastes appear.

Veuve Clicquot Brut Champagne 750ml

Founded in 1772, Veuve Clicquot has since lived by it's motto, 'Only one quality, the finest.' Yellow Label is it's signature champagne, defining the Veuve Clicquot style through a perfect balance of strength, aromatic intensity, freshness and silkiness. The predominance of Pinot Noir provides the structure while the addition of 30 to 45% of priceless Reserve Wines will ensure the year on year consistency that is so typically Clicquot. On the nose: yellow and white fruits, then notes of vanilla and later of brioche. On the palate: freshness and strength while pear and lemon tastes appear.

Veuve du Vernay Brut NV 750ml

Pale straw in colour, fresh, fruity and floral on the nose. The palate is full with delicate apple and pear fruit flavours complimented by smooth velvety bubbles.

Veuve du Vernay Ice NV 750ml

A delightful sparkling with generous foam & fine numerous bubbles

Villa Maria Private Bin Chardonnay 750ml

This wine is fruit-driven in style, exhibiting ripe peach with underlying citrus blossom and fig characters. On the palate, these flavours are enhanced by a creamy texture and a delicate suggestion of oak. A medium bodied Chardonnay that is styled for enjoyment upon release with or without food.
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