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Villa Maria Private Bin Merlot 750ml

Enjoy the smooth velvet texture with rich flavours of plum, blackberry with subtle hints of spice and vanilla from oak maturation. A sweet-fruited and textured palate possessing supple tannins makes this a versatile food wine and suitable for any occasion.

Villa Maria Private Bin Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This blend of predominantly Merlot with Cabernet Sauvignon has fragrant aromas and flavours of cassis, red fruits and dried herbs. A rich mouthfeel is balanced with supple tannins leading to a deliciously smooth finish.

Villa Maria Private Bin Rosé 750ml

This delicious Rosé has lovely hues of pink with copper undertones and displays an explosion of fresh strawberries and pink grapefruit supported by subtle baking spice. The palate has generous fruit but finishes crisp and refreshing.

Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is the Sauvignon Blanc that put Villa Maria on the world map. A blend of both Marlborough's Wairau and Awatere Valleys, their winemakers take great care to ensure this wine showcases exceptional balance and consistency every vintage. The room-filling aromatics and strikingly crisp character of our Private Bin Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc are why it is so popular and such a memorable experience.

Villa Maria Reserve Gimblett Gravels Syrah 750ml

This stunning Syrah is a blend of parcels from our premium vineyards in Hawkes Bay's Gimblett Gravels. 2016 delivered wonderfully fragrant and intense Syrah wines. Dense purple hues lead to a perfumed nose of boysenberry, spice and violets. Ripe tannins encase concentrated fruit characters on a long and silky palate. Careful cellaring of up to 10+ years will reward with further complexity.

Villa Maria Sparkling Cuvée Brut 750ml

A classic blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes delivers a vibrant sparkling wine. Delicate bubbles carry flavours of zesty citrus and ripe stone fruit, with a hint of brioche.

Villa Maria Sparkling Cuvée Rosé 750ml

Crafted from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes. Pale pink copper in colour, this sparkling wine presents with fresh summer berries, crisp citrus and floral notes on the nose. The palate has lovely weight and texture with flavours of ripe berries and juicy peach offset with notes of brioche. This wine has a long lingering dry finish due to its fine acidity. Serve chilled to enjoy on its own as an aperitif, or match with a grazing platter including a selection of cheeses, charcuterie and fresh summer berries.

Waipara Hills Chardonnay 750ml

Established in 2001, Waipara Hills is an award winning wine range from the South Island of New Zealand.

Waipara Hills Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Established in 2001, Waipara Hills is an award winning wine range from the South Island of New Zealand.

Wairau River Pinot Gris 750ml

This is fast becoming an iconic, must have pinot gris.Textured and finely made with some seriously lush fruit ahoy.

Wairau River Pinot Noir 750ml

Lifted aromas of ripe cherries and spice lead this wine. The palate is soft and generous with delicate primary fruit characters of wild berries shadowed by subtle toasty oak.

Wairau River Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is an elegant wine with intense tropical and stone fruit aromatics with delicate citrus and floral notes, full flavoured and textured.
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